redhand::image_properties class

This struct stores all the information needed to create a 2 dimensional image from a file.

Public static functions

static auto emptyProperties() -> image_properties
create and return an empy image_properties object
static auto fromPath(std::filesystem::path location) -> image_properties
create and return a configuaration from a path

Public variables

std::string name
The name of the image.
std::filesystem::path file_location
The location of the image file.
int wrap_S
The wrap mode in x direction.
int wrap_T
The wrap mode in y direction.
int texture_min_filter
The scaling type when downscaling the image.
int texture_max_filter
The scaling type when upscaling the image.
int data_type
The data type of the image.
bool create_mipmap
True if the program should create mipmaps.
int internal_data_type
The internal data type that should be used.
bool keep_image_data
If flase image_data will always be a nullptr.

Variable documentation

bool redhand::image_properties::keep_image_data

If flase image_data will always be a nullptr.

This allows for much less memory usage but before transforming the texture the image has to be copied from the gpu to the ram costing some time.