#include <include/redhand/actor.hpp>
Actor The Actor is the simple class used to diplay most things in redhand.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
Public functions
void act(game_
loop_ event evt) virtual - The act method is called by the world to give actors a chance to perform some action.
- auto getX() -> float
- This returns the x position of the Actor in the world.
- auto getY() -> float
- This returns the y position of the Actor in the world.
void setImage(std::shared_ptr<redhand::
texture2D> img) - Set the Image of the Actor and automatically resizes accordingly.
- void setImage(std::filesystem::path img)
- Set the Image of the Actor and automatically resizes accordingly.
void setImage(redhand::
image_properties img) - Set the Image of the Actor and automatically resizes accordingly.
- void setActorScale(float scale)
- scale the actor by the given factor
- void scaleActor(float scale = 1.0f)
- scale the Actor by the given factor
- auto getActorScale() -> float
- Get the scaling factor of the actor.
- auto getSize() -> glm::vec2
- Get the size of the Actor (width and height)
auto getImage() -> std::shared_ptr<redhand::
texture2D> - Get the Image attached to the actor.
- auto getRotation() -> float virtual
- Get the Rotation of the actor in degrees.
- auto getPosition() -> glm::vec2 virtual
- Get the Position of the Actor.
- auto getName() -> std::string_view
- Get the Name of the Actor.
- void move(float distance)
- move the actor in the rotated direction by the specefied distance
- void move(std::chrono::nanoseconds frameTime)
- move the actor using the specified speed.
- void move(glm::vec2 delta) virtual
- move the actor by a given amount of units
- void setSpeed(float speed)
- Set the movement Speed of the Actor in units per seconds.
- void turn(float delta)
- Turn the actor by a given amount of degrees.
- void turnTowards(glm::vec2 point)
- Specify a point the actor should turn towards.
- auto getHitbox() -> std::vector<glm::vec2> virtual
- Get the Hitbox of the game_
Protected functions
- void setPosition(glm::vec2 location) virtual
- Set the Position of the actor to the given point.
- void setName(std::string name) virtual
- Set the Name of the Actor.
- void setColorAlpha(float alpha) virtual
- Set the alpha of this objects color.
- void setRotaionAxis(glm::vec3)
- This allows you to change tha axis objects rotate around.
- void updateBufferData(std::vector<glm::vec2> points, std::vector<std::array<unsigned int, 3>> indicies, std::vector<glm::vec3> colors)
- push new data into the opengl buffers
Private functions
void onLoop(game_
loop_ event evt) override - This is the onLoop function just calls act and is needed by the complexWorld for the gameLoopEvent.
Function documentation
void redhand:: Actor:: act(game_ loop_ event evt) virtual
The act method is called by the world to give actors a chance to perform some action.
Parameters | |
evt | This is the event, that holds a pointer to the engine and the time difference from the last call |
void redhand:: Actor:: setImage(std::shared_ptr<redhand:: texture2D> img)
Set the Image of the Actor and automatically resizes accordingly.
Parameters | |
img | The image that the Actor will now own |
void redhand:: Actor:: setImage(redhand:: image_properties img)
Set the Image of the Actor and automatically resizes accordingly.
Parameters | |
img | The location of the image the actor will use now |
void redhand:: Actor:: setActorScale(float scale)
scale the actor by the given factor
Parameters | |
scale | the scale the actor shuld have now |
void redhand:: Actor:: scaleActor(float scale = 1.0f)
scale the Actor by the given factor
Parameters | |
scale | the factor the actor will be scaled with |
float redhand:: Actor:: getActorScale()
Get the scaling factor of the actor.
Returns | float the scale of the actor |
std::shared_ptr<redhand:: texture2D> redhand:: Actor:: getImage()
Get the Image attached to the actor.
Returns | std::shared_ptr<redhand::texture2D> the image attached to the actor |
float redhand:: Actor:: getRotation() virtual
Get the Rotation of the actor in degrees.
Returns | float the rotation in degrees |
glm::vec2 redhand:: Actor:: getPosition() virtual
Get the Position of the Actor.
Returns | glm::vec2 The position in the world |
void redhand:: Actor:: move(float distance)
move the actor in the rotated direction by the specefied distance
Parameters | |
distance | The distance the actor should move |
void redhand:: Actor:: move(std::chrono::nanoseconds frameTime)
move the actor using the specified speed.
Parameters | |
frameTime | The time difference between the function calls |
This function is supposed to be called in the act function by supplying evt.getFrameTime() as parameter to this function.
void redhand:: Actor:: move(glm::vec2 delta) virtual
move the actor by a given amount of units
Parameters | |
delta | the units the actor should move |
void redhand:: Actor:: turn(float delta)
Turn the actor by a given amount of degrees.
Parameters | |
delta | how much degrees the actor should rotate |
void redhand:: Actor:: turnTowards(glm::vec2 point)
Specify a point the actor should turn towards.
Parameters | |
point | the point the actor should look at |
std::vector<glm::vec2> redhand:: Actor:: getHitbox() virtual
Get the Hitbox of the game_
Returns | std::vector<glm::vec2> the hitbox of the game_ |
void redhand:: Actor:: setPosition(glm::vec2 location) virtual protected
Set the Position of the actor to the given point.
Parameters | |
location | the new position of the actor |
void redhand:: Actor:: setColorAlpha(float alpha) virtual protected
Set the alpha of this objects color.
Parameters | |
alpha | value of this objects color |
void redhand:: Actor:: updateBufferData(std::vector<glm::vec2> points,
std::vector<std::array<unsigned int, 3>> indicies,
std::vector<glm::vec3> colors) protected
push new data into the opengl buffers
Parameters | |
points | the new set of points used to describe triangles |
indicies | the indixes that each form a single triangle |
colors | the colors each of the points should have (size must be 0 or size of points) |
void redhand:: Actor:: onLoop(game_ loop_ event evt) override private
This is the onLoop function just calls act and is needed by the complexWorld for the gameLoopEvent.
Parameters | |
evt | The game_ |