LedController  2.0.2
A library for the MAX7219 and the MAX7221 Led display drivers.
Installation instructions

If you want to see how to use the library look here

Arduino Ide

The library is in the Arduino library manager.

  1. Open your Arduino IDE.
  2. Click on Tools, Manage Libraries..
  3. Type LedController in the search bar.
  4. Select the version you want and click install.
  5. That was it you are ready to use the library.


The library is also available for the platform.io library manager. Since they get their information from the Arduino Library Manager and the git repository, their version might not be up to date. In addition to that, they do not provide release candidates.


Just type pio lib install "LedController" or python -m platformio lib install "LedController" to install the library.

Visual Studio Code extention

Either open a command line and use the CLI instructions or do the following steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Install the platform.io extention and wait till it is installed and configured
  3. Open the PlatformIO home (by clicking on the little house symbol)
  4. Click on the libraries tab.
  5. Type LedController in the search bar and click on the result named LedController
  6. Select the Version you want to install and click on install.